Deciding to replace your old, drafty windows is never easy and the process can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if it is your first time. As you begin the process of buying replacement windows, be sure to ask – and get answers to – these three big questions.
Read MoreIf you are a Pittsburgh homeowner new to the process of replacing windows, you’re probably overwhelmed. Your options are almost limitless, and it can be difficult to know where to even begin your journey. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate your way to beautiful, energy-efficient windows.
Read MoreWhether or not a homeowner invests in replacement windows often comes down to one determining factor: cost. With so many options and conflicting information on the internet, however, it can be difficult for homeowners to understand just how to estimate the cost of replacement windows.
Read MoreInexpensive replacement windows are the holy grail of home improvement. When it comes time to do away with old, drafty windows, homeowners begin the epic odyssey of finding cheap windows that look nice, keep cold air out and won’t break the bank.
Read MoreWhen it is time to replace your home’s windows, the task—and the cost—might seem overwhelming at first. And it’s true, replacement windows can be a significant investment. However, when it comes to windows, you never want to give in to the temptation to cut corners just to save a few bucks.
Read MoreEvery homeowner knows that replacement windows are an investment in the look, feel and value of a home. However, many of those same homeowners put of upgrading their old, drafty windows with new and energy efficient replacements because of the costs.
Read MoreBathrooms are some of the most-used rooms in any home, and when you’ve finally decided to update a bath, it can be an exciting time. However, you cannot jump into a remodeling project with your eyes closed.
Read MoreThe biggest motivator for buying new windows is energy efficiency. Homeowners get tired of weatherproofing old and drafty windows year after year, only to continue to see their heating bills skyrocket.
Read MoreFall has arrived, and that means that winter is knocking on Pittsburgh’s door. If you’re like a lot of homeowners in Western PA, it actually means that winter is knocking on your windows.
Read MoreWhen you’re designing a new bathroom, it’s important to think through the different elements of your plan to be sure that they all work together. This process can be a lot easier said than done. It’s easy to forget an element, or try to do too much at once.
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