Even if you are not an expert on window design , you can have an appreciation for great windows. Whether it’s a new renovation to a friend’s home or a beautiful stained glass masterpiece, there is something to be said for taking the time to admire great craftsmanship.
Read MoreWe’ve talked about the telltale signs that your windows are on their last legs and you need new ones. Acknowledging the problem is a great first step, but there is a difference between knowing something is wrong, and identifying a quality solution. What should you look for in new windows?
Read MoreEverything has a cost. The price tag on new windows is a point worth considering. When you’re evaluating a purchase of this magnitude, sometimes it can be hard to think of anything else.
Read MoreDoctors, lawyers, and even window professionals have developed their own unique languages. These profession-specific languages include terms that make perfect sense to members of the community, but can be difficult for the average person to understand.
Read MoreAt the basis of every purchasing decision you are searching for two things—credibility and trust. If you value what a company claims they can provide and you trust them to deliver those results, more often than not, you will reward that company with your business.
Read MoreRoughly 50% of your energy use goes towards space heating and cooling your home. With such a large amount of money being spent on this area, increasingly more people are starting to prioritize energy efficiency in their home improvement projects.
Read MoreYou know immediately when you need to replace a refrigerator, or a washing machine, but when it comes to windows, the telltale signs of inefficient performance can be a little more subtle. The decline is slow and gradual and can easily be missed if you don’t know what to look for.
Read MoreThe first step to replacing your old windows is to find the right company to work with. If this is the first home you’ve ever owned or have never replaced windows before, that first step might not be so simple.
Read MoreThere is a fine line between doing thorough research and overthinking a situation. That line is something we should pay attention to and do our best to avoid crossing. However, If you’re anything like me you've blown right past that line on more than one occasion.
Read MoreA trend is not always something you want to place your trust in. For varying reasons, certain things come in and out of style for a period of time and it is a toss-up whether or not they have the necessary qualities to last beyond that.
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